Trump will be indicted soon

This fridays allegations of the Russian involvement are probably true it is probable that the Russians were successful in their effort to influence the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States.

The 2016 election was close and voter shifts in just a few significant states changed the Electoral College vote count in a presidential election in which Hillary Clinton won the popular vote.

Mueller quietly and effectively has disposed of Trump’s claims of no Russian involvement in his detailed explanation of how the Russian government literally sought to hack and hijack America's most important election by creating truly fake social media posts and protests designed to support the candidacy of Donald Trump.

The indictments revealed Russia's use of an assortment of dirty tricks in heavily funded efforts to deceive the American public.Trump responded to the Mueller indictments with a variation on his customary "hoax" claim. America no longer believes Trump.

By 2016, the size of many ORGANIZATION-controlled groups had grown to hundreds of thousands of online followers. Friday's indictments strongly suggest that the millions of Russian rubles spent to support and give credibility to Trump's anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, anti-black activist themes had to have had an impact in such an extremely close presidential election.

The indictment suggests the Russians had their eye on "purple" states including Florida, which went for Trump, giving him 29 electoral votes. Trump won by razor-thin margins in Pennsylvania with 20 electoral votes, Michigan with 16 and Wisconsin with 10. A shift of a mere 38 electoral votes from some combination of states and Hillary is president.

Given what the indictments reveal, there is a strong probability that Russia's surreptitious and illegal support handed Trump the presidency. Mueller will conclude his ongoing investigation including the part the President probably really fears the part that focuses on the Trump Organization.


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