
Showing posts from October, 2018

Walk With You - Scene 19

Walk With You Scene 19 Henry Taylor Blow Music: The Ash Grove - Welsh Folk Song SUPER IN St. Louis, Missouri FADE IN: HARRIET SCOTT (V.O.) Grand View was Henry Taylor Blow’s home located on a hill with a scenic view of the Mississippi River. HENRY TAYLOR BLOW HARRIET SCOTT (V.O.) Henry Taylor Blow has a party for his brothers and sisters and their families. He instructs his daughters, including Susan (The Mother of the Kindergarten) to educate themselves. They discuss Dred Scott and his family. FADE TO - Panoramic view of the Mississippi River north of St. Louis, Missouri. Dred, Harriet, and Eliza are on a raft traveling down the Mississippi River. They stop at Hannibal, Missouri for the evening. They encounter a young man named Samuel Clemens. Clemens in seven years old, his father is an Attorney and Judge who supports slavery. They chat over an evening fire discussing their travels on the Mississippi River. Clemens is impressed b...

Walk With You - Scene 6

Walk With You Scene 6 War of 1812. The Blow children Peter is born October 18, 1814 “Star Spangled Banner” SUPER IN - 1814 Virginia Waterfront near Norfolk - SUPER OUT Ft. Nelson, Portsmouth, Virginia Meeting of the 65 Regiment Virginia Militia. Captain James Blow’s Company of Light Infantry was part of the Regiment of Southampton County commanded by Lt Col Henry Blow. This company marched to Portsmouth, VA during the period 29 June to 29 Dec 1813 HARRIET SCOTT (V.O.) After three straight losses in battle by the militia under his command, Lieutenant Peter Blow will be sent home immediately. However, the United States wins the War with Britain. CUT TO - Southampton County, Virginia HARRIET SCOTT (V.O.) In the years after the war Peter lost at farming while America expanded its agricultural base. Peter Blow lost at innkeeping while the USA gained international prominence becoming a world power. Peter was cheerful, honest, and confiding...

President Trump Uses Christine Blasey Ford's Pain For Political Punchlin...

REMOVE CORRUPT LYING TRUMP AND THE NRA FUNDED REPUBLICANS IN 2018 #walkwithyou #neveragain #bluewave2018

NYT: President Donald Trump Engaged In Suspect Tax Schemes | Hardball | ...

Remove corrupt lying Trump and the NRA funded Republicans in 2018 #walkwithyou #neveragain #bluewave2018