In 1940, Liverpool England is being bombed by Hitler’s air force. Jim McCartney who is 38 years old, admitted to his friends that he is undoubtedly a confirmed bachelor. He takes to an air raid shelter where he meets Mary Mohan who at 31 years old and considered a spinster dedicated to her career in Nursing. The bombs that lasted long into the night had the positive effect of Jim and Mary striking up a prolonged conversation that results in their marriage one year later. Paul McCartney of Beatles fame was born one year after that. One of Paul’s earliest memories is seeing his Mom bicycle away to work in a heavy snowstorm. In 1956, Mary knew her time was near when she was diagnosed with cancer. She continued to bicycle to work often in much pain. On the day she was to have an operation, she commented to her sister in law as she prepared Paul and his brothers clothes for school that at least they will be ready in case I don’t come back. Her last words that day in the hospital was ...